Track Your Order

Most orders ship directly from our warehouse with a UPS or USPS tracking number included in the confirmation email. To check your shipping status enter your sales order number and email below.

Note: Your order number begins with "FS"

Note: Use same email as order email

If you would like more detailed order information, log in with your user name and password, then follow these directions to track your order:

  • Log into "My Account"
  • Click on "Purchase History"
  • Go to the Sales Order in Question
  • If it shipped via UPS, click on the tracking number to be linked to the UPS tracking system.

Note: Orders that are shipped directly from the manufacturer will often not have a tracking number in our system. Sometimes the manufacturer does not send this information to the recipient. If you need more assistance, or if you have not received your order within 7-10 business days of the order confirmation, please contact Customer Service at 904-296-2240. Please note some custom orders can take 15-20 business days for completion. We will do our best to locate your order and promptly resolve the issue.